Table of Contents
Zone Information
Area Name Castle Zvahl Baileys [S]
Type Dungeon
Map Acquisition Quest or Purchase
Miscellaneous Able to use Tractor Able to use Escape
Ffxi gld 01
Trans Dark
Region The Valdeaunia Front
Expansion Wings of the Goddess
Requirements None
Restrictions None
Background music "Troubled Shadows"
Monstrosity Not applicable
Notes None

During the Great War, Castle Zvahl was the command center for the Beastman Confederacy. Many elite troops from the Yagudo, the Orcs, and the Quadav were stationed here. Imps would relay messages to and from the battlefront. The entrance to the inner sanctum of Castle Zvahl Keep was guarded by the best of the Kindred.

Castle Zvahl Baileys S

Involved in Quests/Missions[]

Quest Type Starter Location
Bonds of Mythril Nation Volker (S)    Castle Zvahl Baileys (S)
The Truth Lies Hid Nation Gentle Tiger (S)    Bastok Markets (S) H-6

Battlefield Events[]

Other Information[]

Resist Vs Resist Vs

NPCs Found Here[]

Name Location Type
Aymeric, T.K. J-8 Campaign Arbiter
Holger, I.M. J-8 Campaign Arbiter
Mikra-Lekra, C.C. J-8 Campaign Arbiter
Saunders, C.A. J-8 Campaign Arbiter

Regular Monsters Found Here[]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Adaman Quadav
77-79 Unknown Quadav 3 A, L, H
Ancient Quadav
77-79 Unknown Quadav 3 A, L, H
Dark Elemental
During Dark Weather
79-82 Dark Cluster Elementals 5 A, M
Deathwreaker Demon
85 Unknown Demons 12 A, L, S, Sc
Demon Befouler
79-82 Unknown Demons 8 A, L, S, Sc
Demon Corrupter
82-83 Unknown Demons 5 A, L, S, Sc
Demon Condemner
Assisted by: Demon's Elemental (77-78)
82-83 Unknown Demons 5 A, L, S, Sc
Demon Entomber
82-83 Unknown Demons 5 A, L, S, Sc
Demon Justiciar
Assisted by: Demon's Elemental (76-78)
79-82 Unknown Demons 8 A, L, S, Sc
Demon Magus
79-82 Unknown Demons 10 A, L, S, Sc
Demon Suppressor
82-83 Unknown Demons 5 A, L, S, Sc
Demon Warrior
79-82 Unknown Demons 11 A, L, S, Sc
Dire Gargouille
79-82 Unknown Gargouilles 16 A, L, S, H, Sc
Errand Imp
79-82 Unknown Imps 8 A, L, T(s)
Doom Lens
84-85 Unknown Ahriman 22 A, L, S, H
Foredoomer Demon
Assisted by: Demon's Elemental
85-86 Unknown Demons 12 A, L, S, Sc
Gold Quadav
77-79 Unknown Quadav 2 A, L, H
Ice Elemental
During Ice Weather
79-82 Ice Cluster Elementals 5 A, M
79-82 Snoll Arm Snolls 7 A, S, M
Iron Quadav
77-79 Unknown Quadav 4 A, L, H
Magnes Quadav
77-79 Unknown Quadav 3 A, L, H
81-82 Unknown Ahriman 9 A, L, S, H
Orcish Augur
77-79 Unknown Orcs 3 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Bowshooter
76-78 Unknown Orcs 3 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Champion
76-82 Unknown Orcs 3 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Dragonbrander
76-82 Unknown Orcs 3 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Protector
76-82 Unknown Orcs 3 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Veteran
76-78 Unknown Orcs 3 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Warlord
76-78 Unknown Orcs 2 A, L, S, Sc
Soulsearer Demon
85-86 Unknown Demons 12 A, L, S, Sc
Star Ruby Quadav
77-79 Unknown Quadav 3 A, L, H
Vajra Quadav
77-79 Unknown Quadav 2 A, L, H
Woebringer Demon
85-86 Unknown Demons 12 A, L, S, Sc
Yagudo Chanter
77-79 Unknown Yagudo 4 A, L, S
Yagudo Eradicator
77-79 Unknown Yagudo 4 A, L, S
Yagudo High Priest
77-79 Unknown Yagudo 3 A, L, S
Yagudo Knight Templar
77-79 Unknown Yagudo 2 A, L, S
Yagudo Prelate
77-79 Unknown Yagudo 3 A, L, S
Yagudo Sentinel
77-79 Unknown Yagudo 4 A, L, S
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Event Monsters Found Here[]

Campaign: Dark Kindred

Name Family Spawns Notes
Shadowguard Demon
Target of campaign ops: Kinslayer: Baileys
Demons 3 A, S
Zvahl Fortalice
Target of campaign ops: Bailey Borer
Structures 4
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants