Dragon Mail Set

Dragon Mail Set

A set of armor smithed exclusively for Dragoons, the Dragon Mail set represents a powerful defense against any magic or breath using mob - with the full set, the user is granted +20 resistance to all elements (including light and dark elements), and only takes 75% damage from breath attacks. The high quality version of this set is the Dragon Mail +1 Set.

Number of Pieces: 5   Cost to store: Cannot be stored.

Level Armor Piece
68 Dragon Mask

[Head] All Races
DEF: 23 HP +10 Resist Vs+10 Resist Vs+10
Breath damage taken -4%
Lv. 68 DRG

70 Dragon Mail

[Body] All Races
DEF: 47 HP +12 Resist Vs+10 Resist Vs+10 Resist Vs+10 Resist Vs+10
Resist Vs+10 Resist Vs+10 Resist Vs+10 Resist Vs+10
Breath damage taken -9%
Lv. 70 DRG

68 Dragon Finger Gauntlets

[Hands] All Races
DEF: 15 HP +8 Resist Vs+10 Resist Vs+10
Breath damage taken -4%
Lv. 68 DRG

69 Dragon Cuisses

[Legs] All Races
DEF: 31 HP +11 Resist Vs+10 Resist Vs+10
Breath damage taken -4%
Lv. 69 DRG

68 Dragon Greaves

[Feet] All Races
DEF: 13 HP +13 Resist Vs+10 Resist Vs+10
Breath damage taken -4%
Lv. 68 DRG

Set Summary[]
