


«FFXI-Movie» 0276 CoP 6-4 - One to be Feared

Game Script[]

One to be Feared - Metalworks
Cid: Player name! Where have you been!?

Cid: I heard about what happened, but I still can't believe it...

Cid: Learning Prishe was really the Keeper of the Apocalypse knocked me off my chair...

Cid: But finding out that the Jeunoan official Esha'ntarl is actually Cardinal Mildaurion, and that she's been alive for the past ten thousand years...that was like having an anvil dropped on my head.

Cid: Player name.
I want to hear what happened with you, too. Call in all the others.

Tenzen: Hmmm. So that's what happened...

Tenzen: To fulfill the pact that Bahamut and Selh'teus made over ten thousand years ago, Mildaurion has been attempting to revive Divine Promathia...

Shikaree Z: And the magicite embedded in Prishe's bosom was only a sealed, crystallized form of her inner Emptiness.

Shikaree Z: We sin hunters have committed a grave sin ourselves in not being able to stay calm and focused in the presence of the magicite.

Cid: Not a single complaint... Not a single cry for help...
All that time carrying a terrible burden...alone...

Cid: And what about Ulmia? She has known Prishe since she was a child. She has watched her silently struggle.

Cid: These new truths must be as painful for her as they are for Prishe.

Cid: I could not wish such a terrible fate upon even an enemy.

Tenzen: What are we to do now?

Tenzen: Phoenix has told me that we are not to provoke Bahamut any further.

Shikaree Z: However, the biggest threat to mankind is the Wyrmking's aerial magick.

Shikaree Z: If we could defeat him, it would better our chances for victory against the wyrm armies.

Cid: And so we are left with three choices.

Cid: We can let destiny run its course and wait for Bahamut and his minions to destroy us...

Cid: We can use my airship to join the Jeuno armada and fight the Wyrmking...

Cid: Or we can recite the fifth verse of the "Memoria de la S^tona" and call the Twilight God down onto Prishe...

Jabbos: Twilight God...
He cursed...mankind... Made us...fight...

Jabbos: If we...defeat him...the curse...will be broken...

Jabbos: But...do we have...the power...?

Tenzen: Prishe said that Player name had that power.

Tenzen: And we have Phoenix on our side!

Tenzen: But I am not sure that is enough...

Tenzen: Diabolos, ruler of dreams, warned us that no single child of Vana'diel could vanquish the Keeper of the Apocalypse.

Tenzen: And still my blade remains silent...

Cid: We are about to walk down a very dangerous path...

Cid: But I think it would be wise to wait until Prishe returns before we take any action.

Cid: Tenzen, Ms. Sin Hunters, Player name...

Cid: Hurry to Tavnazia and wait for Prishe. When she arrives, contact me and I will fly to the archipelago in my airship.

Tenzen: Tavnazia? But why would you travel there?

Cid: Help from Gilgamesh should be arriving at the safehold shortly.

Cid: Let's just say that the parts they'll be transporting are very..."sensitive."

Cid: I'll see you all at the Sealion's Den!

One to be Feared (pt.1) - Sealion's Den
Tenzen: Master Cid!

We have been waiting for your arrival!

Cid: I've brought Ulmia and Louverance with me.

Cid: But I'm sorry to say Prishe couldn't make it. There's been a bit of a problem.

Tenzen: A problem? What do you mean?

Cid: Ulmia, would you be so kind as to fill Tenzen in on the details?

Cid: I have some business with Gilgamesh's little helpers.

Ulmia: We...
We couldn't find Prishe...

Ulmia: I fear that she is hiding somewhere on one of the armada's warships.

Tenzen: That cannot be possible!

Tenzen: Why did Lady Prishe not wait for you to return?

Tenzen: She is not planning to attack the Wyrmking, is she!?

Ulmia: I think Prishe knows...that we would follow her.

Ulmia: Prishe can read the hearts of others. She knows what we feel and what we think--she knows what I feel...

Ulmia: But why does she continue on if she knows that her decisions will only hurt me...?

Ulmia: Why does believing hurt so...?

Jabbos: Even when...two hearts...are connected...there are times...when pain...can't be avoided...

Jabbos: When the world...is overwhelmed with...sadness...
The only way...to escape the pain...is to...change the world...

Ulmia: ...

Ulmia: ...
Perhaps you are right, Jabbos. Perhaps the only option left to mankind is to change Vana'diel...

Ulmia: For the past ten thousand years, Vana'diel has grown and evolved to become what it is today--a world bound by the chains of an evil deity.

Ulmia: Prishe set out on her own in an attempt to change that world--our world...

Cid: Hey, are you guys ready?
I've finished loading my baby up with the secret weapons, and it's time we moved out. There's no time to lose!

Cid: I'm going to hitch a ride back to Bastok on Gilgamesh's boast and let the president in on what's going on.

Cid: Even if you are successful in stopping Bahamut, there's no knowing what his wyrm army might do. The Republic has to be prepared for the worst.

Ulmia: Cid...
Thank you so very much for all that you have done.

Cid: Heh heh. You know if I were only a few years younger, I'd be up there with you guys. Buy my place is back in Bastok. Gilgamesh made sure I didn't forget that.

Cid: And don't you forget that you're going up there to save your nations--no, to save all of Vana'diel!

Cid: Your lives will be on the line, but I know you'll be all right!

Cid: As long as you're riding my Celestial Invincible Delver C.I.D., nothing can go wrong!

Cid: Wah ha ha ha!

Louverance: Master Cid, I ask that you allow me to fly her.

Cid: She's all yours!
Now get out of here...Warriors of the Crystal!

Ulmia: Yes, let us be off! Bahamut...and Prishe are awaiting your arrival!

One to be Feared (pt.2) - Sealion's Den
Tenzen: Do you think there is any chance to catch up with Lady Prishe?

Ulmia: According to Aldo, the Jeuno Armada departed the duchy after splitting into two units.

Ulmia: The main unit will enter Cape Riverne directly by air and attempt to draw the wyrms from the floating islands.

Ulmia: At the same time, the remaining unit will attempt to approach Bahamut from the opposite direction.

Tenzen: I assume that Prishe would be with the latter.

Tenzen: However, that unit cannot begin its operation until the main unit has successfully drawn the attention of the other wyrms.

Ulmia: Engineer Cid said the same thing. This means we still have time!

Louverance: Look what I found hiding below decks.

Cherukiki: Get your hands of me, you pointy-eared brute!

Kukki-Chebukki: Let us go, or you'll all be doomed!

Makki-Chebukki: Yeah! We're your secret weapon!

Ulmia: Secret weapon?
You wouldn't happen to be the same "secret weapon" that Cid received from Gilgamesh...would you?

Cherukiki: We've given up the fame and glory of being high-class Jeunoan officers!

Kukki-Chebukki: And decided to become high-class pirates!

Makki-Chebukki: The highest of the high, and classiest of the class, yes sir-ee!

Shikaree Z: ...

Tenzen: Hmmm, we will be making contact with the armada shortly.

Tenzen: It may be to our advantage to have someone on board who can communicate with them.

Tenzen: What the...!

Jabbos: I can see them... The...

Shikaree Z: The Jeuno Armada!

Tenzen: Warning shots?

Makki-Chebukki: That scary Elvaan went to the communications room!

Kukki-Chebukki: Shouldn't we be going to the communications room?

Cherukiki: I say we go to the communications room!

Ulmia: We should go as well, Player name. We must try to convince them that we are here to help!

One to be Feared (pt.3) - Sealion's Den
Tenzen: Player name!

The attack seems to have subsided...

Tenzen: Something is going on over there... Something is wrong...

Ulmia: What if they discovered where Prishe was hiding!?

Ulmia: Louverance is moving the ship into position so we can board their vessel. Let us hurry below decks.

Ulmia: Prishe!
If you can hear me, give me a sign! We've come to help!

Tenzen: We mean you no harm! We are simply trying to find our companion!

Cherukiki: You're wasting your breath, samurai man.

Kukki-Chebukki: Yeah, they can't hear you--they're just puppets made by those crazy mad scientists in Jeuno!

Ulmia: P-puppets...?

One to be Feared (pt.4) - Sealion's Den
Shikaree Z: Prishe!

Are you okay!? If you can hear us, rrrespond!

Makki-Chebukki: And if you can't hear us, respond!

Jabbos: C-could she b-be...inside that thing...?

Cherukiki: ...Its dinner?
Well, that would explain why she couldn't hear us...

One to be Feared (pt.5) - Sealion's Den
Shikaree Z: What's going on!?

Tenzen: If we continue like this, both sides will end up exhausted without having made any progress!

Ulmia: Look!

Louverance: I will attempt to pull our ship up alongside theirs. Hold on!

Prishe: You dirty rat!
Why don't you come down here and fight like a man!?

Nag'molada: Hah ha ha! The wonderful exhibition about to unfold will buy more than enough time.

Nag'molada: My "pet" is still far from completion. However, when she is finished, she will be the most powerful creation Vana'diel has ever seen!

Nag'molada: Though those created ten thousand years ago may still be residing somewhere within the celestial capital of Al'Taieu...

Ulmia: Prishe!

Prishe: Huh!? Hey, guys!
Ulmia! What's everybody doing here?

Nag'molada: <Sigh>
Not another distraction...
Well, at least now I can test my pet in "extreme battle mode."

Nag'molada: Ultima Weapon, show our friends what you can do.

One to be Feared (pt.6) - Sealion's Den
Nag'molada: <Sigh>

I guess I cannot expect too much from a prototype...

Esha'ntarl: What do you think you are trying to do, Nag'molada? You were relieved from your position withing the Armathrwn Society and banished from Jeuno.

Esha'ntarl: How dare you step over the boundaries of the amnesty you were granted and bring that creation aboard an armada vessel!

Esha'ntarl: Did you think that by performing this "service" we would take you back?

Esha'ntarl: Or was this the cause of turmoil simply a desperate attempt to interfere with our plan--an attempt born from hate and despisal?

Nag'molada: ...

Esha'ntarl: Or perhaps, you came to ask Bahamut the way to Al'Taieu...

Esha'ntarl: Nag'molada.
I understand why you seek the path to the celestial capital.

Esha'ntarl: We who have lost the "whisper of the soul" are forced to live alone, trapped within our own wretched solitude.

Esha'ntarl: However, that is our path to freedom.

Esha'ntarl: We are children born from one.
Now our children and our children's children step out into the ever expanding world.

Esha'ntarl: This is much like when the mothercrystal split into five pieces long, long ago.

Esha'ntarl: We were simply ready to leave the nest before the Zilart.

Nag'molada: ...
Then why did you choose to abandon your people and hide away in the Chamber of Eventide?

Nag'molada: Why do you join the Zilart in blocking the path to Al'Taieu?

Esha'ntarl: That is...

Nag'molada: By entering the chamber, you succeeded in washing away the darkness of your soul.

Nag'molada: That is why I seek the capital--so I can remove the darkness from my soul. So I can be free!

Prishe: Hah!
If you want to go to Al'Taieu so bad, then why don't you just go to Movalpolos?

Esha'ntarl: Prishe!

Prishe: The boy Selh'teus has already asked the Moblins to open the gate to the capital.

Prishe: If you follow him, he'll lead you right to the fifth crystal.

Nag'molada: I see...
Whether it has been buried or submerged, there is no place the Moblins cannot find...

Nag'molada: And I was beginning to wonder when I was going to be able to see the boy once again. I have unfinished business with him...

Prishe: I've told you what you want to know, now get out of here!

Esha'ntarl: !?

Nag'molada: As much as I'd like to, it would be improper for me not to return the favor...

Nag'molada: ...the favor beseeched upon the Kuluu over ten thousand years ago!

Esha'ntarl: Return the favor...? A surprise attack!?

Nag'molada: Ha ha ha!
I see my song has reached the conqueror of the skies!

Nag'molada: I am Kuluu!
My strength comes from the protection of the terrestrial avatars. Without you, I am powerless!

Nag'molada: The Zilart--those who have sworn revenge against Vana'diel--to you I offer these traitors as a sacrifice!

Esha'ntarl: You are nothing but a raving maniac, Nag'molada! You are far from being one of us!
Your pitiful soul drowns in darkness.

Nag'molada: And that is why I must cleanse it!

Nag'molada: I will find Al'Taieu and use the Chamber of Eventide!

Kukki-Chebukki: It's a~ll over...

Makki-Chebukki: It's over easy...

Prishe: What are you talking about!? This is where it gets interesting!

Prishe: Bahamut!
Conqueror of the skies! King of the wyrms!

Prishe: I am Prishe!
I am the Keeper of the Apocalypse!

Prishe: Your pact with Selh'teus left me trapped for thousands of years.

Prishe: This magicite... It is nothing but another form of the Emptiness. It was born from the same place I was. We are one and the same!

Prishe: My friends and I have come to call forth and destroy the Emptiness and its maker, Promathia!

Prishe: And we will do it right here, right now! We will fulfill the pact!

Prishe: Watch as we show you the children of the dawn's true power!

Bahamut: So this is what you meant, Esha'ntarl...

Bahamut: There is no need for you to prove anything, young Elvaan, for you are not the keeper.

Esha'ntarl: !?

Prishe: Not the keeper!? But...

Bahamut: Esha'ntarl...
Children of Altana...
And, Phoenix...

Bahamut: I commend you on what you are attempting to do for the people of Vana'diel. And that is why I will tell you this...

Bahamut: The true Keeper of the Apocalypse lies in the celestial capital of Al'Taieu.

Bahamut: Within that soul lies an immeasurable amount of darkness...

Bahamut: For ten thousand years it has slept... But now it has awoken...

Esha'ntarl: ...In Al'Taieu!?

Bahamut: Who was it that restarted the Crystal Line? Remnants of the Zilart? The children of Altana?

Bahamut: It does not matter, for now the power within the final crystal--the crystal that holds Al'Taieu in balance--has begun to fade.

Bahamut: It will not be long before the celestial capital has fallen to Vana'diel.

Bahamut: When this occurs, the Keeper of the Apocalypse will arise and envelop all life.

Bahamut: And finally the Twilight God, Promathia, will use his almighty power to begin his eternal reign.

Bahamut: That is why I have come... To stop the seeds of man from being wiped from Vana'diel.

Bahamut: If there is nothing for the keeper to envelop, then Promathia will not have the strength to enter our realm.

Ulmia: Nothing to envelop...?

Esha'ntarl: And so that is why you planned to attack...!

Prishe: Damn!
And you call yourself a guardian of Vana'diel!? Why didn't you tell us what you were going to do a long time ago!?

Prishe: If you would've been honest with us, we could have been in Al'Taieu whipping that keeper's butt last week!

Tenzen: She is right, Lord Bahamut.

Tenzen: Such intolerant behavior does not befit the conqueror of the skies!

Tenzen: Why do you not believe in the power of the children of the dawn?

Bahamut: Why must I believe in something that does not exist?

Bahamut: You cannot defeat the Twilight God. You will not even be allowed to approach him.

Bahamut: Selh'teus proved that to us ten thousand years ago. Destruction is your destiny. You cannot escape what has already been decided.

Esha'ntarl: There... There is still a way!

Esha'ntarl: Bahamut!
We need not fight Promathia...if we can stop the Keeper of the Apocalypse!

Esha'ntarl: Selh'teus told us this! That is why he has returned!

Esha'ntarl: He is here to stop Al'Taieu from falling back to this dimension!

Bahamut: Impossible!
Selh'teus does not have the power to...

Prishe: I'm sick of all this talk! Doesn't anybody here think we can handle the situation!?

Prishe: Player name!
You tell him!
You know we can kick his bloody butt all the way into next Watersday!

Do you have what it takes?
You bet!
I don't know... <----- Chose this option!

Prishe: Huh!?
What do you mean, you don't know!? I'm telling you that you do!

Do you have what it takes?
You bet! <----- Chose this option!
I don't know...

Bahamut: Y-you...?

Bahamut: Damn you, Selh'teus...!

Bahamut: I will not let you harm Vana'diel and her children like you did once before!

Prishe: Woah, I have a bad feeling about this...

Prishe: Player name!
Get out of the way!

Tenzen: Player name!

Esha'ntarl: Everyone, abandon ship!!!


(Will you return to the mothercrystal along with so many other lives?)

(I understand. Your sacrifice has bought us a sliver of time.)

(Let me release you for your journey to the mothercrystal...)

(Open the path in preparation for him/her...)
