
Changed the desciption of Flee...Flee is far faster then a choboco, and ive tested this several times, the movement spped must be 2.5-3 times movemtn speed, very easily tested, and a flee can blow past someone on a Choco with ease Rinnsi 10:05, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

What you saw was most likely a raised chocobo, as, with the possible exception of red chocos, those are slower than the ones you get from the stables. --Jakk Frost 21:29, November 29, 2009 (UTC)

Removing the line that states evasion is raised by 25 until they can show some hard evidence. -Alaik

Has anyone else noticed that Flee lasts about 1-2 seconds longer if you cast magic while fleeing? --WhispIfrit (talk) 23:06, February 21, 2013 (UTC)
